Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obama Care

As I travel around this great country of ours I hear about Obama Care and most is negative. I went on the web site in early October to sing my wife up for it as she has several preexisting conditions. I never got past the first page. I see this thing going south in less than a year as very few will sign up for it and they need to have a massive sign up to make this thing work. The Obama administration had put out that you could keep your current insurance if you wanted to but that was a lie as it was written in the law that your insurance had to have a min amount of coverage. So if it did not it would be canceled and you would have to buy a new policy through Obama Care at a much higher rate and have some coverages that you will probably not need or want. In the polices for woman they have to have maternity coverage even if they are 50 years old or cannot have kids, they put this in so that they could pay for the ones that could not afford the Insurance. Obama is looking for his legacy and this is what I feel it will be a lair, failure and has sent more money than all the past presidents combined. I wounder if we will ever be able to recover from the mess that we are in and get back to greatness that is this country of ours.
Allan B. Clements II

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