Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Actor Styles



    You will find that there are five types of actors: Impersonator, Personality, Star, Wild Card, and Character. Come up with examples of each type of actor (in addition to those identified in the text) and explain in detail why you think they fit each particular category. Many will fall into all the categories and some will fall into one or two of them.

Impersonator, actor that I can think of is, Hugh Laurie for his acting in the television drama "House" He betrays a Doctor that is addicted to pain killers and is a brilliant doctor. He interprets the roll expertly.
Personality actor that I can think of is, Harrison Ford he has played in many roles. His role in "Star Wars" was a great performance and his role in "Indiana Jones" really shows how he can impersonate a character in a film.

Star that I can think of is Will Smith his roles that he has stared in have helped him rise to stardom, from his start on TV then in Film, he has had a very successful career.

Wild Card actor that I can think of is Chris Potter he has played in many different roles and has pulled them off expertly.

Character actor that I can think of is, Domhnall Gleeson he pulled off the corrector expertly in the film "True Grit" he has that ability to portray the corrector that he has to play in a film that he is in.



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