Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sound in Fim

Directed by Steven Spielberg


  (screenplay), (screenplay)

In the "Barrels" - Jaws (1975) the music plays a big role in setting up the scene as they battle with the shark it shows the fear they have and the suspense, this would imply that the genre of the film would be a drama with a sub-genre of horror. The added effects in the back ground the waves, boat engine, footsteps on the deck, the harpoon shots, creaking of the boat in the water, and other small sound that if you were not listening you would not know they were there. You have in this clip a live recording of their voices and then you have the added sound effects were the main thing that made this scene using I would say a Foley artist to add them. The use of sound in this film is designed to set the mood of the scene and theme to add the a certain amount of suspense and fear for the audience. the technics used used in the film are post dubbing of the sound into the scenes to add realism to it. they used the following technics from Foley artists using walla  The dialogue use in the film and interpreted by the cast was made to add to the theme and fear of the the shark that was the main character. The sounds in this film is what set the tone without it the film would not be the the film that is was and is. The creativity of the use of sound add the magic need to make the film work and the actors added their part to add to it. 

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