Monday, December 15, 2014


"Red (2010) HD"

Directed by Robert Schwentke,
Starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, and Mary-Louise Parker.

    The clip starts out with a CIA agent watch the house as he has tracked the rag tag group there to the house, played by Karl Urban. The camera follows him then it cuts to inside the house were they show the main corrector Frank Moses played by Bruce Willis telling his sniper that they are coming out. The lighting angles used in this part of the clip make the scene add more suspense to the start of the scene. They go from bright lighting outside the house to a dim light inside the house. Then once they are out of the house the light brightens up so you can catch all the action that is happening around the chase scene.
    The artist use this as the act out the scene in that they start out with a very serious tone to the situation they are in. this even adds more to the thrill factor of the clip as it progresses. As the clip unfolds, you see the shock and surprise of the shot being fired then it breaks into a chase scene. As they are running through the woods, the lighting angles change to enhance the chase scenes as they use varying depths of lighting. This use of the shots adds to the clip in it intensity and the action that was happening in it. I think the filmmaker in this clip wanted to show the teamwork of the correctors and it sets the mood for the next scene.
    In the clip, you can say it is set in modern time and a wooded secluded area of the United States, somewhere in the north, as there is snow on the ground. As the main correctors are retired CIA agent flagged as retired extremely dangerous in the file. They are on a mission to help frank find out why the CIA or who it is that wants him dead. In the clip the where at an arms dealers house to get some information from him when the other agent showed up.
    The wardrobe used in this clip shows that it was cold and they also were using the white to hide themselves in the snow-covered background. In addition, the force that was chasing them was dressed appropriately, as they wore your standard swat assault uniforms to show who they were in the clip. The costumes let you know what was happening or going to happen in the clip.
    Makeup and hair in this clip was good as for the two females they had their hair done and makeup on as most females would and it was not too much. Their hair was appropriately windblown for setting out side with a sniper rifle. In a scene, you need to have the right mix of makeup and the right hair do to make the scene work.
    In conclusion, I find that the lighting worked great together the director and cinematographers did an excellent job putting the clip together and had pretreated what they wanted to portray in the clip. The actors did their job in acting out the part in a superb manner. The lighting was used appropriately to set the mood of the clip. It all came together nicely to make the clip flow very nicely into each part of it.     

Goodykoontz , B & Jacobs, C (2011) Film: From Watching to Seeing (Ashford University ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Red (8/11) Movie CLIP - Who Fired the Shot? (2010) HD
Red (I) (2010)

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