Thursday, June 14, 2012


I've been following the news as much as I can and it's getting heated up. The question is who do we want to run the country, do we want 4 more years of Obama with the spending there are doing or do we want some one to reduce spending. We can't afford any rise in spending as the economy can't handle any more spending like Obama is proposing and it seems that the Dem's can't pass a budget. They seem to want to rise taxes on us and spend more. Like the health care bill they shoved down our thoughts, and Representative Nancy Pelosi saying they have to pass it before they let us know whats in it. We have to ask our selves what do we want for our future. I want the country to be great again and will be voting conservatively the year so we can get spending down and hopefully cut a lot of the fat in government and get government out of thing ti should not be involved in.  We as a nation pf free people need to let our government know that we want a smaller government and we only want them to do there job as per the  Constitution  states and to get out of our lives. There are allot of thing the government cat cut or get rid of that will save allot of money, so let you rep's and senators know you are feed-up with the spending and empty  promises.

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