Thursday, November 25, 2010

Just think about next year

Just sitting here thinking about what going to happen next year with our taxes if congress is going to keep the tax cuts from 2006 that President Bush got passed or if they are going to to screw us and not keep them. You never know you would think they would have got the point after the butt wiping the dems got that they would wake up and smell the coffee and start doing what the  people want done but  I think there in never never lad when it come to that. And this health care bill is costing me a lot more money than they said it would not in just premiums but in the taxes I do pay. Every ones health ins coast are going up and we are see insurance companies closing there doors because they can't afford to stay in business. Well we know what we have to do is to keep putting the presure on them and keep pushing as Americans to get them to do the right thing and do the will of the people if they don't we fire them and put people in that will. They have 2 years to prove that they are up to the job and if they are not there out!!

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